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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

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Module 6 Poetry

Module 6 Poetry

Q Learning Objectives: At the end of this week, you should be able to: • Read and discuss works of literature as related to the practice of creative writing • Practice strategies for composing texts in a variety of genres • Read, evaluate, and respond to the work of peers in the tradition of the workshop model Video: Reading: Imaginative Writing • Pgs. 297-317 • Pgs. 127-130 • Pgs. 187-190 Discussion Board: (Initial Posts are due by Thursday, responses must be posted by midnight on Sunday. • Complete the exercise on pg. 315 and post it to the discussion board. Ask your colleagues to consider a line or section of the poem that you would like some help developing and revising. • Rough Draft of Poetry (must have 5 pages of poems) • Peer review two colleague’s poems. Due: Fiction piece (for grading)

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Poetry Free Verse Quarterback Behind the offensive line, I stand And make the call, First the snap, hard and fast A split decision, chaos all around, I pass it and my receiver runs it in, Touchdown! The crowd screams, I am filled with pride Play after play, I make, until the score is ours, The opposing team creeps up. Fourth quarter, a minute left Crowd is going wild, Score 28-28 The game is in my hands.